Theatre in Our Schools Facts #10 and #11 !
10: "High school students who earn multiple arts credits are five times more likely
to graduate than students with low involvement in the arts." National Endowment for the Arts: The Arts and Achievement in At-Risk Youth, 2012
11: "Students attending live performances of theater (i.e., field trips and school performances) demonstrated higher levels of social emotional skills, and stronger command of the plot and vocabulary of the play they attended, versus viewing movie adaptations of the same plays." Educational Researcher, 2018
MS Scholar's Bowl tonight, March 21st, at Jackson Heights is cancelled.
Thanks to all the grandparents who attended the PreK - 2nd grade Grandparents Day. 🌺 We loved spending time with you & showing you our classrooms.
Don't put away your snow boots and winter coat, yet. Planning to have school tomorrow unless more snow arrives making things change. One last day wintery day and then hopefully spring weather arrives to stay over spring break! Wishing you all a great spring break following school tomorrow. Note: If your road has major issues, currently, please reach out to your bus driver to give them a heads-up.
Who says the principal stays in the office all day?! 🤗 Thank you, Mr. Stapp, for having fun with the students today!
JCNEMS Primary wing celebrated Read Across America on Friday. Ms Jennings started the celebration reading “Green Eggs and Ham”, by Dr. Seuss. Then the students were off to their classrooms to eat some green eggs and ham followed by 4 classroom rotations full of stories and activities. The celebration ended with Mr Stapp reading, “The Cat and the Hat”, followed by students eating red jello with blue whipped cream, representing Thing 1 and Thing 2.
Theatre in Our Schools Fact #9: "Middle school teachers invested in an after-school musical theatre program gain creativity and problem-solving skills, sense of community, resilience, and theatre expertise." Capturing Student and Teacher Creative Growth through the After-School JumpStart Theatre Program, Year Two Report, 2017
The JCN Theatre Department is offering our Show Shirts for Sale! If you would like to support your local high school theatre department and get some swaggy show merch, consider purchasing a shirt! All forms are due by Friday March 11th for guaranteed delivery for the week of our show!
Cost of shirt is $15 dollars! Thank you for supporting the JCN Theatre Department!
Theatre in Our Schools Facts #5, 6, 7, and 8.
5: "44 states require districts or schools to offer arts instruction at the elementary, middle ,and high school level, but only 32 states define the arts in statute or code as a core or academic subject." National Center for Education Statistics, 2020
6: “I have found that using theatre exercises to develop skills in listening, trust, improvisation, imagination, and role-play can help scientists become better able to collaborate and communicate their work.” Patricia Raun, 2017 EdTA Conference
7: "At-risk middle school students engaged in an after-school musical theatre program demonstrate improved confidence, creativity, resiliency, responsibility, collaboration, and sense of community." Capturing Student and Teacher Creative Growth through the AfterSchool JumpStart Theatre Program, Year Two Report, 2017
8: "In 2015, students who took four years of arts classes in high school scored an average of 92 points higher on their SATs than students who took only one half year or less." The College Board 2016
Raymond Riley's JCNHS Basketball Records lists have been updated. Please check them out at I corrected a few mistakes from last year. I just do not have this down to a science like Raymond did.
The Board of Education Meeting will be held this evening as scheduled at 7:00 p.m. at the District Office in Winchester.
The Cat in the Hat was the perfect ending to our Dr. Seuss week!
The first graders have been watching their chicken eggs closely over the last few weeks. The students let their teachers know if the temperature or humidity isn’t at a good range for incubation. It takes 21 days for baby chicks to hatch from an egg. Monday will be day 21. We hope to watch some babies hatch next week. 🐥 🐣 We will enjoy them in the classroom for one week before they go live on the Keeling Farm in south central Kansas.
Congratulations to our JCN HS girls on their win against ACCHS in the semi-finals of sub-state. They will be playing in the sub-state final on Saturday against Jackson Heights. THE START TIME IS 5:30. There is no live-stream of the games. The games will be broadcast on KAIR Radio.
Come and see Puffs or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic by Matt Cox on March 25th and 26th at 7:00 PM at the High School. Our Thespians have worked hard to put on a hilarious parody for you! We hope that you can make it. We will have cupcakes and Butterbeer (non-alcoholic of course) floats! Ticket prices are as follows: General Admission: $7 JCN Students: $5 JCN Staff: Free
Theatre in Our Schools Fact #4 "Arts education helps to increase students’ ability to manage behavior, make decisions, and cultivate a positive concept of the self." William Penn Foundation, Holochwost, Palmer Wolf, Fisher, & O’Grady, 2016
Plans Friday night? Come out and watch our HS Boys Basketball Team in the second round of Sub-State! Valley Falls High School - 6 pm -JCN Chargers vs ACCHS Tigers 💚🖤
📸: Rachelle Feldkamp
2nd Graders enjoying some of the beautiful weather and math practice 😊☀️
5th grade had a wonderful opportunity to work with coding Sphero Robots again! They drew shapes, practiced using different features, and coded their way through mazes and obstacles! Thank you Mrs. Chesnut at Greenbush for spending this time with us!
Theatre In Our Schools Fact Day #3: "Audience-based participation in the arts and personal participation in creating art are both
linked to higher levels of civic engagement and social tolerance." Journal of Civil Society, Leroux and Bernadska, 2019