Graduation Ceremony on KAIR today at 3:00 p.m.! Don't miss this opportunity to hear our seniors highlighted on the radio as a preview of their actual graduation later this summer.
A Message from the EMS Booster Clu
Jefferson County North EMS
Online Yearbook Sales Only!
Ordering available until:
July 15, 2020
Full-Color Yearbook........................................$15.00
Personalize Your Yearbook Cover!
Add Student Name & Image................................................$5.00
Only available until: April 30, 2020
To order your yearbook visit:
and enter code: 43400S
Thank you for your order!
Teacher Requests for EMS
Please send Mr. Stapp an email with your phone number to call you. He will be making phone calls the week of May 4th-8th to discuss any possible teacher requests for the 2020-21 school year.
Overwhelmed? MS and HS students and parents: Mr. Noll created a video that may assist you in organizing assignments, knowing due dates, and checking off items that are turned in through Google Classroom.
See it here:
EMS staff supports our students & misses them! 💚
EMS staff supports our students & misses them! 💚
Congratulations to Logan Baker and Della Melton for taking 1st place in Mobile Application Development Event at State FBLA.
I'd welcome your input as to how our first few days of our Continuous Learning Plan (learning from home due to COVID-19) is going for your family. Please complete the following short survey: You may complete one per child or one per family. Thank you!
Important Instructions for Thursday pick up at the EMS is in the news feed on our website and was emailed to middle school students.
Thursday pick up times are 11-12 and 4-6:30, be patient and courteous to all entering the parking lot and follow the instructions for traffic
Looking Forward to seeing everyone tomorrow
The Governor's Executive Order 20-16 issued this morning. Does not change any of the current directives for schools. We will be able to deliver learning opportunities this week via technology or packets. It continues social distancing of 6 feet. Wishing you all good health.
Hopefully, they won't be needed, but the schools are allowed to be used as typical for a storm shelter. Try to maintain social distancing of 6 feet, if space allows.
See "NEWS" on the website or app for several answers you may be looking for. Have a good weekend.
Meals were approved! School lunches and breakfasts will begin Thursday, March 19. You may pick up meals at either building from 11-12:00 noon. See "News" for the full information.
Parents, please complete the following survey if possible by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 17. Thank you!
A few FREE resources for learning at home over the next few weeks. 😃
Reminder: Due to the County Health Officer closing schools for two weeks and encouraging "social distancing", our buildings are closed for usage other than essential personnel. This includes building usage and the fitness center. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Governor Kelly with the State Dept. of Educ. has recommended schools close in Kansas for one week. Many schools, like JCN, have already closed by order of their local health dept. for that week and more. A task force was established to plan for K-12 needs. See WIBW for more info.
Jefferson County Schools are closed through March 29. See the news release under “News” on this app or our website. We greatly apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, State FBLA has been cancelled. At this point, our county schools have not been closed for next week. I continue to receive information from our state department and KDHE. Our next conference call is set for tomorrow. I will keep you updated.