Middle School Spectator Instructions for 9/3/20 MS Volleyball Special Procedures due to COVID-19: • Spectator’s temperatures will be taken at the door. • Spectators will be required to wear masks at all times while in JCN buildings. • The NEKL admission price ($3 adults and $2 students) will be paid by spectators at the door. • Spectators will be required to sit in designated seats that have been prepared to accommodate social distancing guidelines. • We ask that fans only attend games in which their student athlete is participating • Children will be required to remain with their family unit • Thank you for your help in keeping everyone safe and assisting us in our attempt to keep athletes in activities as long as possible! MS Football Special Procedures due to COVID-19: • Spectator’s temperatures will be taken at the door. • Spectators will be required to wear masks at all times while in JCN buildings. • The NEKL admission price ($3 adults and $2 students) will be paid by spectators at the door. • Spectators will be required to sit in designated seats that have been prepared to accommodate social distancing guidelines. • We encourage spectators to social distance by bringing chairs and/or blankets for the lawn areas surrounding the field. • Children will be required to remain with their family unit and not gathering to play • Thank you for your help in keeping everyone safe and assisting us in our attempt to keep athletes in activities as long as possible!
over 4 years ago, EMS Principal
over 4 years ago, Joe Worthington
EMS Booster Club information! They are looking to have a great year!!!!!!!
over 4 years ago, EMS Principal
EMS Booster Club Flyer
The Lady Charger VB team will start play this Saturday at Perry. They are not limiting seating, but have move up the start time to 8:30. You will need to wear a mask and social distance in the gym. Go get your first wins of the season Girls.
over 4 years ago, Joe Worthington
Football Scrimmage This Friday!!!!!!! Football begins with a scrimmage tomorrow at 7:00 JH will scrimmage first followed by HS. Bring some sports drinks, to help support the team. There is no limit on fans but everyone will need to wear a mask in the stands and social distance. Bring a chair of you want to sit in the grass. With your help we're going to play football
over 4 years ago, Joe Worthington
football time
K-5 students will be wearing bracelets to lunch this year to help the lunch ladies know of their lunch choice. Red bracelets will be for hot lunches. Blue bracelets will be for peanut butter and jelly lunches. And white bracelets will be for sack lunches. Please review this process with your child. Bracelets will be kept at school.
over 4 years ago, Shawna Deviney
K-5 parents - Students will be wearing a bracelet to lunch so the lunch ladies know your child’s lunch choice for the day. Red bracelets will be for a hot lunch. Blue bracelets will be for a PBJ lunch. And if your child brings a sack lunch & wants to wear a bracelet, they will have white. Bracelets will be kept at school & not sent home. Please review this process with your child.
over 4 years ago, Shawna Deviney
Calendar Change: Senior Parents Night for HS VB will be Tuesday, Sept. 1. instead of Thursday Oct. 15. Remove HS Booster Club tailgate from Oct. 9.
over 4 years ago, Lana Aspinwall
Calendar Change K-8 parents night is cancelled. Teachers will be sending information home in the next week about their classroom procedures, expectations, and other information with their students, on Seesaw, or Google Classroom. Looking forward to a fantastic 2020/21 school year!
over 4 years ago, EMS Principal
First Day of School! We are all excited at the EMS! We will have lines coming into the building front doors for 1st thru 8th grade with staff taking temps, kindergarten will enter thru the primary wing doors with Mrs. Avery and Mrs. Funk. Staff will also be outside and in the hallways to help all our students get to their classrooms were teachers will be welcoming them. Breakfast eaters will enter in the side cafeteria doors where Mr. Polson will be helping them. We look forward to starting this school year! Go Chargers!!!!
over 4 years ago, EMS Principal
I'm pleased to announce we are in GREEN for starting school tomorrow. Our county COVID data from today shows Jefferson County with a decreasing trend. Less than 5% of COVID testing is positive, currently. And, even better, the JCN district's boundaries have ZERO active cases. This information was provided by our county health officer.
over 4 years ago, Denise Jennings
Green Go
Welcome back signs for pictures out provided by the EMS Booster Club. Thank you for all you do for our school!
over 4 years ago, EMS Principal
Welcome back signs
Welcome back signs
Reminder Primary Parents (K-2) remember the school supply drop off from 5:30-6:30 tonight. Teachers will have tables for a drive by drop off on the west side of the building where our bus line is. Welcome Back 2020!!!!!
over 4 years ago, EMS Principal
Incoming Freshmen and students new to the High School will need to have their own AppleID. The process is fairly easy, but if you struggle with it we will be around to help you on Tuesday or Wednesday. I am attaching 2 pages of documents that will lead you through the process.
over 4 years ago, David Chaffee
Creating an AppleID page 1
Creating an AppleID page 2
Here is a visual we will be using to ask your students the health screening questions when entering the building. Please review with your student before Tuesday 😀
over 4 years ago, EMS Principal
Emoji questionnaire
Health questionnaire
Bus routes are being finalized and you should be hearing from your driver soon, if you haven't already, regarding your pickup and drop off times. Here is our list of transportation COVID adjustments for starting the year. Thank you for the opportunity to get your students back to school! We are eager to have them back. More information regarding more school plans will be coming out over the next couple of days. We appreciate your patience as we have been working the past week to organize and prepare.
over 4 years ago, Denise Jennings
Transportation expectations
Our school nurse, Melissa Erpelding, will be in the buildings this week on Thursday, August 20. If your child needs a medication during school hours, it would be helpful for her to prepare for the year ahead, if you could drop off the medicine in its original container on Thursday. You may bring the medicine to either the EMS office or the HS office. Melissa and/or the secretaries will ensure paperwork is completed so we have everything in order when school begins on Tuesday.
over 4 years ago, Denise Jennings
Heart and stethoscope
K-2 parents - Please plan to drop off your primary student’s school supplies on Monday, August 24th, from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm in the front drive of the EMS. This will give your student a chance to see their teacher (in a mask) 😉 and drop off their supplies. Everyone must stay inside their vehicles. Please make sure all supplies are labeled & placed inside a disposable bag marked with your child’s name, teacher & grade level. Please send book bags on Tuesday with any other supplies that won’t fit in the paper bag. Hope to see you & your child on Monday!
over 4 years ago, Shawna Deviney
Thank you to the high school cheerleaders for the Welcome Back messages at the EMS. 💚
over 4 years ago, Shawna Deviney
Reminder: MS Volleyball and Football! Practice begins tomorrow at 3:15 with participants viewing the mandatory concussion video before official practice begins at 3:30, at the EMS.
over 4 years ago, EMS Principal