EMS Spelling Bee Today! 3-5 grades will be at 11:40 and 6-8 grades will be at 2:00. Parents may come to watch or follow this link to watch over Zoom:Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4182569269?pwd=RkZBS0ZXT25YSExOZFZvK0tRUjFoQT09
about 3 years ago, EMS Principal
The start time for the HS basketball games tonight at ACCHS has been changed to 5:00pm. The JV boys will play their game at the elementary school gym and the JV girls will play in the HS gym. Both start at 5:00. Varsity Girls, then Varsity Boys will follow the JV game in the HS gym. The games will be live streamed on Rainbow Live. http://www.rainbowlive.net/newsection/12
about 3 years ago, Joe Worthington
High school students delivered 3D snowflakes to the senior living centers in Winchester and Nortonville today.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Courtney
High school students delivered 3D snowflakes to senior living centers in Winchester and Nortonville today.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Courtney
delivering snowflakes
Monday, Mr. Stapp punched train tickets as students entered primary wing to go All Aboard the Polar Express with a day of activities. Tuesday, students visited different classrooms for fun activities. Then, a visit with Santa Clause, having a book exchange and ending the day with a party. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
about 3 years ago, Shawna Moore
book exchange
ticket booth
Polar Express
book exchange
Middle School Choir Corralling in the hallway 🎵
about 3 years ago, EMS Principal
MS Carrolling
MS Carrolling
More Polar Express
about 3 years ago, Janet McAfee
Getting their tickets 🎫
Polar Express train
The Kindergartners through 2nd graders were all excited to get on the Polar Express train today!!
about 3 years ago, Janet McAfee
First image
The engine
getting ready for children
The Polar Express Conductor aka Mr Stapp
All Aboard the Polar Express! Next stop North Pole 🎅🏼🧑🏼‍🎄!
about 3 years ago, EMS Principal
Polar Express Decorations
Polar Express decorations
5th grade has spent the last few weeks researching specific biomes and animals. They put their knowledge to work to create a museum of Biomes!
about 3 years ago, Marah Koons
K-5 Christmas Concert! What a great night!
about 3 years ago, EMS Principal
Great crowd
K-1 Students
2-5 Students
2-5 Students
Layne McAfee’s latest Advanced Art student project with oil pastel!! Stupendous work!
about 3 years ago, Ms. Bell
oil pastel landscape
High school students are busy creating Christmas decorations for our local senior living residents.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Courtney
making decorations
making decorations
making decorations
We are going to try and stream all the NEKL Middle School girls basketball tournament games. Thursday we will be streaming 2 games at the same time. We have not streamed 2 events at the same time before so there may be some issues that arise. Thank you for your understanding.
about 3 years ago, Steve Noll
Live Stream is up and running for the Varsity Girls against MH-MA.
about 3 years ago, Joe Worthington
Our live stream of the games tonight is not working. Hopefully we can get it started for the Girls varsity games. For some reason the link between HUDL (our camera system) and YouTube in not working.
about 3 years ago, Joe Worthington
All basketball home games will be live-streamed. You can go to our Jefferson County North Website and find the link on the front page or go to our You Tube Channel. The link is below. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEdlSacSe7cAuutSSIfoEsg/videos
about 3 years ago, Joe Worthington
During Friday's games the parents of Seniors will be recognized for basketball, band and cheer/dance. The recognition will happen between the girls varsity and boys varsity games.
about 3 years ago, Joe Worthington
It was a good start to the season for JCN BOYS AND GIRLS BASKETBALL. McLouth vs. Jeff County North JV Girls - 16-19 JCN(1/2 Game) JV Boys - 10-39 JCN Varsity Girls - 43-50 JCN Varsity Boys - 28-58 JCN This week we have 2 home games, Tuesday-Maur Hill, Friday-Horton and Senior Parent's night.
about 3 years ago, Joe Worthington
Tuesday night the Varsity high school scholars bowl team earned a first place win at the Valley Fall meet. The JV tied for second place with two other teams with a 5-2 record and unfortunately lost the tie breaker, earning fourth place. Our next meet is not until January 12th - so keep on studying!
about 3 years ago, Lindsey O'Brien
varsity SB