My apologies. We will be slightly delayed with our COVID information while we work with our website host to add to our website. In the meantime, here are today's numbers of COVID cases at JCN. It also shows our quarantined numbers through yesterday. We are still investigating yesterday's new cases and will adjust quarantined numbers as they are updated through the health department. Watch our app/website over the next few days as we add new, helpful information.
We have a couple more positive cases of COVID, one in our elementary building and one in our middle school. Again any possible exposure would have taken place last week. We have contacted families of any student needing to remain home tomorrow while health officials finalize their investigation and contact parents.
At this point, I realize we are all much more concerned over the operation of school. So far the cases I have reported appear to have started in the community and then, unknowingly, created exposure at school prior to symptoms beginning. We have another few days to see if the cases from last week (and primarily Halloween weekend) spread further. Hopefully, our quarantining students will be the necessary mitigation of spread.
If anyone in your household is experiencing any symptoms related to the COVID virus, please take the necessary precautions. I so appreciate the families of these students reaching out to us immediately and keeping their students home this week. By doing so, our quarantine list remains smaller.
Tomorrow, we will be adding information to our website to share our current number of cases as well as quarantines. We will also add other important information reviewing our plans if numbers continue to rise. We do want to keep students in school but are continuously reviewing data to maintain safety in doing so.
I want to thank you all for your work during this unsettling time. Keep positive and healthy!
In order to do “Live Streaming” from YouTube, our page needs to have 1000 subscribers. You can help us achieve that magic number by 1) subscribing to our channel, and 2) pushing it out to your friends, and asking them to subscribe.
Right now there is very little content on the channel, but that should change quite a bit once we can live stream/feed.
If you'd like to subscribe, here is the USD #339 YouTube channel.
Thanks for helping (if you choose to do so)……just subscribe and watch the numbers grow!! Right now (Nov 11 12:07pm) we are at…..drum roll……FOURTEEN!!
A few of Mrs. Deviney’s 1st graders disguised their turkeys to hopefully save them from being eaten this Thanksgiving.
A few members of the JCNHS Scholars Bowl team were able to compete at the Horton meet on 11/5/2020.
SENIORS SENIORS SENIORS!!!! Senior pictures are due to Mrs. Johnson on Monday, November 16.
MS Girls Basketball Tonight (Monday, 11/9) is Postponed to be rescheduled at a later date.
We have a couple more positive cases of COVID at our High School. Any possible exposure would have taken place early last week.
Please note: If you are being told you are exposed by someone, please stay home. Kansas officials are currently responding to consistently high number of cases the past few days so they are overloaded with calls to make. They are working to get notifications accomplished as promptly as possible. We can do our part to help by notifying others once you receive a positive result so they are alerted and stay home and by following our preventive measures. Thank you all for your effort during this time.
We have an additional positive case of COVID-19 at our High School, though it is unrelated to the first case. It had low impact on others.
We also have our first case at the Middle School level. Any possible exposure would have taken place early this week. The district is closely working with the health department and contact tracing is currently underway. We have contacted families of any student possibly exposed at school and needing to remain home while health officials finalize their investigation and contact parents. Please be aware with the increased numbers within our county, KDHE will also be helping our county make phone calls.
Our county and neighboring counties have seen a large increase in numbers this week. We are working to keep our schools open and appreciate your assistance in monitoring for symptoms and notifying us of any positive results. Together, our efforts will get us through this difficult time.
Good luck JCNHS Football. You can follow them on Facebook live-streaming at Lyndon USD 421. The game will begin shortly.
The HS Financial Aid meeting scheduled for tonight has been cancelled.
Our JCN Scholars Bowl team took home the Varsity 2nd place prize at the Jeff West meet tonight 11/3/2020. Congrats guys!
Friday's Football game at Lyndon will be live-streamed on their Facebook page. Go to Lyndon USD 421 to find it.
We have a positive case of COVID-19 at our High School. Any possible exposure would have taken place last week. The district is closely working with the health department and contact tracing is currently underway. The county health officer is considering distancing as well as mask wearing within low risk activity prior to quarantining students. While there is low risk in exposure with masks and/or distancing, we do recommend you continue typical monitoring for signs and symptoms of COVID. We have contacted families of any student needing to remain home tomorrow while health officials finalize their investigation and contact parents.
We will continue to monitor this situation closely in the days ahead and will evaluate if there are further cases and/or a need to move from our current green level. As we continue monitoring this situation, we will notify families if any additional actions need to be taken in the near future.
Again, this case is connected to the high school building only.
4th grade students have been studying Earth's resources. As a fun follow-up to a lesson on fossil fuels, they mined the earth (cookie) for coal (chocolate chips), then determined the cost of repairs (which was paid in chocolate chips).
Picture Retakes Reminder
The EMS will be having picture retakes will be tomorrow, Nov. 4th from 10:00am to 12:30pm. for anyone wanting their child to have their picture retaken.
Mrs. Deviney’s 1st graders participated in the school wide Presidential Election today. 🇺🇸 ✔️❤️💙 🇺🇸
NHS will hold their induction ceremony tonight at 7:00 in the gym to allow more social distancing. Congrats to the 11 who will be inducted.
The JCN Football team will be heading to Lyndon Friday for their regional playoff game. Both teams are 7-2 on the season.
Cross Country finished their season with 3 runners going to state; Trevor Pentlin, Zetta Noll and Sydney Myers. State was held at Victoria, KS and our runners had great weather Saturday. Trevor had a 4th place finish with a PR well under 17 minutes. Sydney also had a great day with a 10th place finish. Thank you team for a great year and congratulations to Coach Leakey and Coach Wilson.
The JCN football team is headed to regionals. They defeated Northern Heights in bracket play 72-0.