EDITING UNO Sixth graders put their editing skills to the test in Editing UNO. Great work guys!
about 1 year ago, Jessica Noll
Editing UNO
🏀 JV & Varsity Girls Basketball 🆚 Jackson Heights 📅 Thursday, Jan. 18th, 2024 ⏰ 5:30 pm 📍Jackson Heights HS Gym (12719 266th Rd, Holton, KS 66436) 🎟$6 Adults $4 Students
about 1 year ago, Shanie Adams
Thursday, Jan. 18 MS BBB @ Everest: A & B teams only. There will not be a C team game.
about 1 year ago, Jefferson County North
🏀 2024 Mid-Season Girls Tournament Bracket 📆 Jan 23, 26 & 27
about 1 year ago, Shanie Adams
Girls Tourn Bracket
Mid-Season Boys Tournament 🏀 Varsity Boys Basketball 🆚 St. Mary's Academy 📅 Wednesday, Jan. 17th, 2024 ⏰ 6:00 pm 📍Oskaloosa HS Gym (404 Park St Oskaloosa KS) 🎟$6 Adults $4 Students *see the bracket attached for the next games that will be played this week on Friday and Saturday! 🎥 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk21p3WuSqs
about 1 year ago, Shanie Adams
Boys Mid-Season Tourn Bracket
🚨💧💧Winchester is currently under a boil order for water, so drinking fountains will not be accessible. We will have some water bottles available. I encourage students and staff to bring water bottles with them to school to ensure there is plenty of water to last the day🚨
about 1 year ago, Joe Worthington
🏈 💚FOOTBALL Shirt💚🏈 NOTE* This form is DUE Monday Jan 22nd by 3:30PM! https://forms.gle/Kg7e7CD2RbSCYHq4A Contact Shanie Adams at the HS for questions at sadams@usd339.net *EMS students you can send money to EMS and Kristy will send to Shanie*
about 1 year ago, Shanie Adams
football 23 shirt
Chargers, school will be in session as normal tomorrow, January 17th. If a parent or guardian feels it unsafe for your child to attend school tomorrow due to weather or road conditions, please call our school offices. Check email for more information on reschedules from Monday
about 1 year ago, Jefferson County North
In Session
🏀 🛑 🏀 Tonight's girls basketball game has been canceled! Stay warm!
about 1 year ago, Shanie Adams
Dear JCN Students, Parents, and Staff, Due to severe windchill conditions, Jefferson County North will be closed on Tuesday, January 16th. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Please stay warm and safe.
about 1 year ago, Jefferson County North
School Closed
🏀 🛑 🏀 The HS Varsity Boys basketball tournament scheduled for tomorrow at Oskaloosa is POSTPONED until Wednesday, January 17th. Game times will remain the same.
about 1 year ago, Shanie Adams
🏀 Varsity Girls ONLY Basketball 🆚 Atchison Co. Community 📅 Monday, Jan. 15th, 2024 ⏰ 4:00 pm 📍Jefferson County North HS (302 5th St Winchester KS) 🎟None 🎥 https://www.team1sports.com/highschool/ks/?B=824312 *There will be no concession stand, and we are in a boil advisory so the water fountains will not be available
about 1 year ago, Shanie Adams
The HS basketball Girls game v ACCHS is still a GO for Monday, 1/15. e🚨 We have changed the start time to 4:00 pm. 🚨JV girls - 4 pm, Varsity - immediately following.
about 1 year ago, Joe Worthington
The JCNMS Boys home basketball game vs. Oskaloosa & Parents' Night scheduled for Monday, January 15th, have been postponed & will be rescheduled at a time TBD later.
about 1 year ago, Shawna Deviney
NEKL Scholars Bowl scheduled for Saturday 10 am at Pleasant Ridge had been postponed to a later date TBD. Stay safe everyone.
about 1 year ago, Joe Worthington
Today is the last day for our facilities and bond survey. Please take a moment to complete this if you have not already. Paper copies can still be brought to the district office on Monday, January 15th. Thank you for your feedback!
about 1 year ago, Jefferson County North
Due to weather conditions, we are starting our dismissal process. HS Bus riders leaving for Nortonville at 2:35 and HS drivers will be released slowly after bus traffic has left. EMS Bus riders are loading at 3:00 and regular car dismissal. The extra time will allow everyone to make it home safely. All practices and after school activities canceled.
about 1 year ago, Jefferson County North
All JCN EMS after school practices are canceled for January 12th, 2024. Stay safe.
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Meier
After school care is canceled.
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Meier
asc canceled
Sixth-graders are exploring career options as they pertain to the content we learn in school each day. Students completed a survey indicating what they would like to do as adults. We would like to have representatives from each career field to describe the education, training, and process of becoming a successful member of that profession. Below, we have listed the careers our students are interested in pursuing. If you or someone you know would be willing to present to our students about one of the listed careers, please email either sixth-grade teacher with the perspective presenter’s information so we can arrange a time and day for them to share. Police officer Professional Football player Farmer Marine biologist Veterinarian Professional Volleyball player Computer Programmer Hair Stylist Entrepreneur Nurse Interior Design Dental Hygienist Pro Basketball Player Electrician Pediatrician Mechanic Plumber Professional Equestrian Lawer Make-up Artist Social media/ Influencer Professional Baseball player Sports Agent jnoll@usd339.net kmitchell@usd339.net
about 1 year ago, Jessica Noll
Presenters Needed!!