The King and Queen of Courts Dance is still a GO for tonight. High school commons from 8-11 PM. See you there students.
almost 5 years ago, Joe Worthington
Dance the night away
Kindergarten friends practice building sight word, “all”.
almost 5 years ago, Shawna Moore
Kindergarten friends practice building sight word, “all”.
Due to the predicted widespread ice storm, there will be no school tomorrow, Friday, January 17, 2020. School and all activities are canceled. Buildings are closed. Reminder: No school on Monday for Staff Development.
almost 5 years ago, Denise Jennings
HS NEKL Scholars Bowl @ Valley Falls on Sat. Jan. 18 start time has been changed to 10:00 a.m.
almost 5 years ago, Lana Aspinwall
1st Graders getting their dance moves down during P.E. with their Dance Pad Dance mats
almost 5 years ago, EMS Principal
Students Dancing
Students Dancing
Middle School Boys Basketball reschedule game with Pleasant Ridge will be Tuesday, Jan. 21 at Pleasant Ridge with B, C, A as the order of play
almost 5 years ago, EMS Principal
EMS Booster Club Cake Raffle to be held at home MS BBB games, Jan. 16, 30, and Feb. 6. Raffle tickets $1.00 each or 6 tickets $5.00.
almost 5 years ago, Lana Aspinwall
JCN HS Booster Club King & Queen of Courts Dinner, January 17, 2020, 5-7:30 p.m. Menu: Smoked Pork & Turkey, Mac/Cheese, Green Beans, & Homemade Desserts. Free will donation.
almost 5 years ago, Lana Aspinwall
School is canceled tomorrow, Monday, January 13, 2020. After school activities for students are also cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Denise Jennings
HS staff and students kick off a fitness challenge with some competitions and fun with healthy food.
almost 5 years ago, Jefferson County North High School
Jane Fonda Workout
Fun with food
Thank you all for making an early dismissal go so smoothly! Students, have a great weekend and enjoy the snow (if it arrives). Reminder: no activities tonight or tomorrow (Saturday), Buildings are closed.
almost 5 years ago, Denise Jennings
Two sheets of copy paper, one meter of masking tape, and an egg….That's all they get. Can their egg survive from one meter first, then two meters, three, four and five? Grades depend on how high a drop their egg can survive.
almost 5 years ago, Jefferson County North High School
Eggdrop in Physics
Eggdrop in Physics
Eggdrop in Physics
Eggdrop in Physics
It’s that time of the year again when the 6th graders head the “Pick up the Tab” project. Our school is collecting all aluminum tabs through the month of February. We then take them and donate them to the Ronald McDonald House in Topeka. This charity uses theses tabs as a fundraiser towards funds to help provide a home away from home for families of seriously ill children staying at nearby hospitals. We will count and weigh the tabs prior to taking them to Topeka in March! Please start sending in all aluminum can tabs to help aide in this wonderful project.
almost 5 years ago, Stacie Westermann
Aluminum tab collection
Calendar changes: 6-8 Band Concert scheduled for Mar. 17 has been moved to Mar. 24. HS Regional Solo/Ensemble Festival on calendar for Apr. 4th is to be held Mar. 28.
about 5 years ago, Lana Aspinwall
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a safe holiday season!
about 5 years ago, Shawna Moore
Santa Clause and Ms. Moore’s kindergarten class wishing you a very Merry Christmas and safe holiday season.
Kindergarten sharing book buddies and books with preschool.
about 5 years ago, Shawna Moore
Mrs. Moore’s kindergarten class reading books with book buddies with Ms. Avey’s preschool class
Kindergarten enjoying learning about penguins in their Zoology unit
about 5 years ago, Shawna Moore
Kindergarten enjoying a sweet treat while wrapping up a bird unit in Zoology.
JCNHS Girls BB JV game has been added with Patton Jr. High @ Ft. Leavenworth January 7 4:00pm
about 5 years ago, Steve Noll
Playing with our food! After a successful food drive the high school had some fun and "sculpted" their food into structures meant to reflect the theme of Disney. Overall, we collected 1800 pounds of food!
about 5 years ago, Rebecca Halling
Senior's Sculpture
Junior's Sculpture
Sophomore's Sculpture
Freshmen's Sculpture - "Mater"
Mrs. Berry's 3rd Grade Publishes Books: Mrs. Berry's 3rd grade students worked hard this quarter to publish short stories styled after the Magic Tree House book series. Students were excited to show off their books.
about 5 years ago, Wendie Berry-3rd grade
3rd graders with their books